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Sunday 18 December 2011

Documents of the 11th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam

(Book Review 5: Finished reading on the 14th of December 2011)
ISBN 9786047703227
Price: 71,000 VND or SGD 4.41

At times repetitive and occasionally obtuse, this book is a bit of a challenge to read. Definitely not something I would call light reading. However, it was an enlightening book once I got used to Communist style purple prose. It describes the progress that Vietnam has made on all fronts in the past decade. Interesting to note that the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) admits that there are policies that need readjustment and that there still remains many areas for improvement. This shows that the Party is not stagnating and is conscious of the long term struggle and difficulties ahead. The economic figures cited in this book certainly re-impress upon me the great economic progress that Vietnam has made since the institution of Doi Moi (or the transformation from a socialist economy to a socialist oriented market economy). A definite must read for anyone interested in Vietnam and its recent growth into a Southeast Asian powerhouse.

(Note: This book review is in no way an endorsement of Communism or the VCP, just a private opinion. No offense is intended to anyone who believes in Communism either.)

The following pictures are those I got from Google showing the 11th National Congress in session.

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